I am working on a application to chart boards inspected and board with defects based on work order number. I realize after looking at the chart and comparing the actual data, th
I figured it out, I first changed my DataSets into DataTables. I then created a new column in DataTable 1 that will hold the count field in DataTable 2. I then looped through all the row in DataTable 1 and looped through DataTable 2 and put a select condition to match the top_or_bottom and board_wo_fields and pulled the count value for each match out of DataTable 2 and put them in DataTable 1.
DataTable dt1 = DA.Get_Boards_Inspected(startDate, endDate, location);
DataTable dt2 = DA2.Get_Boards_With_Issue(startDate, endDate, location);
DataColumn newCol = new DataColumn("dcount", typeof(System.Object));
newCol.AllowDBNull = true;
foreach(DataRow r in dt1.Rows)
object wo = (r["board_wo_number"]).ToString();
object tp = (r["top_or_bottom"]).ToString();
if (tp == "")
foreach (DataRow r1 in dt2.Select("board_wo_number = '" + wo + "'"))
if (r1["count"] == DBNull.Value)
r["dcount"] = 0;
r["dcount"] = (r1["count"]);
foreach (DataRow r1 in dt2.Select("board_wo_number = '" + wo + "' and top_or_bottom = '" + tp + "'"))
if (r1["count"] == DBNull.Value)
r["dcount"] = 0;
r["dcount"] = (r1["count"]);
foreach (DataRow dr in dt1.Rows)
object tpn = (dr["top_or_bottom"]);
object ct = (dr["count"]).ToString();
object wo = (dr["board_wo_number"]).ToString();
object ct2 = (dr["dcount"]).ToString();
if (tpn == DBNull.Value)
chart1.Series["Boards Inspected"].Points.AddXY(wo, ct);
chart1.Series["Boards With Issue"].Points.AddXY(wo, ct2);
chart1.Series["Boards Inspected"].Points.AddXY(wo + " - " + tpn, ct);
chart1.Series["Boards With Issue"].Points.AddXY(wo + " - " + tpn, ct2);