I have a simple .txt file with just a couple lines in right now, each line has a word then a comma then another word, representing a very simplistic username , password bank. Fo
Thanks to @CommonsWare I was able to achieve what I was trying to do by using InputStream and then also IOUtils to read everything into the List.
try {
InputStream iS = this.getAssets().open("passwords.txt");
List user_password = IOUtils.readLines(iS);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List credentials = (List) CollectionUtils.collect(user_password, new Transformer() {
public Object transform(Object input) {
String cred = (String) input;
String parsed[] = cred.split(",");
return new Credentials(parsed[0], parsed[1]);
user = (Credentials) CollectionUtils.find(credentials, new Predicate() {
public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
Credentials c = (Credentials) object;
return c.getUserName().equals(userName);
}catch (IOException e){