I have a UILabel
in which I want to display a Unicode character. The following works:
label.text = @\"\\U000025A0\";
Now I want to
I had a same issue to display entypo Font special character, so I implemented my own EntypoStringCreator
class (with some help from SO). Here are the method used to convert a unicode number to a nsstring:
@interface EntypoStringCreator : NSObject
+(NSString *)stringForIcon:(UTF32Char)char32;
@implementation EntypoStringCreator
+(NSString *)stringForIcon:(UTF32Char)char32
if ((char32 & 0xFFFF0000) != 0)
return [self stringFromUTF32Char:char32];
return [self stringFromUTF16Char:(UTF16Char)(char32&0xFFFF)];
+(NSString *)stringFromUTF32Char:(UTF32Char)char32
char32 -= 0x10000;
unichar highSurrogate = (unichar)(char32 >> 10); // leave the top 10 bits
highSurrogate += 0xD800;
unichar lowSurrogate = char32 & 0x3FF; // leave the low 10 bits
lowSurrogate += 0xDC00;
return [NSString stringWithCharacters:(unichar[]){highSurrogate, lowSurrogate} length:2];
+(NSString *)stringFromUTF16Char:(UTF16Char)char16
return [NSString stringWithCharacters:(unichar[]){char16} length:1];