I have a dataset that looks like:
Month Cost_Center Account Actual Annual_Budget
June 53410 Postage 13 234
June 5342
SAS DATA step behavior is quite complex ("About DATA Step Execution" in SAS Language Reference: Concepts). The default behavior, that you're seeing, is: at the end of each iteration (i.e. for each input row) the row is written to the output data set, and the PDV - all data step variables - is reset.
You can't expect to write Base SAS "intuitively" without spending a few days learning it first, so I recommend using PROC SQL, unless you have a reason not to.
If you really want to aggregate in data step, you have to use something called BY groups processing: after ensuring the input data set is sorted by the BY vars, you can use something like the following:
data Test (keep = Month Account Sum_Actual Sum_Annual /*...your Run_Rate and Over_Budget_Alarm...*/);
set Combined; /* the input table */
by Month Account; /* must be sorted by these */
retain Sum_Actual Sum_Annual; /* don't clobber for each input row */
if first.account then do; /* instead do it manually for each group */
Sum_Actual = 0;
Sum_Annual = 0;
/* accumulate the values from each row */
Sum_Actual = sum(Sum_Actual, Actual);
Sum_Annual = sum(Sum_Annual, Annual_Budget);
/* Note that Sum_Actual = Sum_Actual+Actual; will not work if any of the input values is 'missing'. */
if last.account then do;
/* The group has been processed.
Do any additional processing for the group as a whole, e.g.
calculate Over_Budget_Alarm. */
output; /* write one output row per group */