I have done xml parsing same as SeismicXML example. But now it gives me memory leak problem.
When i tested SeismicXML with instruments, it also give same memory leak.
I am supposing you correctly installed the tool so that you can invoke it from a terminal.
To use it:
1) cd /your/project/path 2) scan-build -k -V xcodebuild
if this does not work then you have not installed the tool correctly: at least you do not have your "path" correctly set.
Here is how to set the path for c or tcsh shell , asuming you installed the tool in /opt/checker-0.160
set mypath=(/opt/checker-0.160) set path=($mypath $path)
3) if the command works correctly, it build your project and starts a web server on your machine. It then gives you the url where you can connect to on your machine to read the results.
If the command is not able to start a web server, it will anyway tell you that the html files are available in a specific directory and you will be given the path. Usually this directory is to be found under /tmp.
Simply go to this directory
cd /path/to/results/directory
and then
open index.html
You will see the full report. Best Regards.