More specifically, I\'d like to accurately convert a CMYK value (probably from the ISO Coated v2
space) to an RGB value (probably from the sRGB
Is there anything you can tweak in format to ensure more significant digits in the srgb(X%,X%,X%)
Likely due to different IM versions. IM shows srgb(93.0648%,11.1254%,14.1741%). IM shows integers. I tried adding -precision 4 to IM 6 command line, but still get integers. To get more precision, one has to parse the txt: output format.
For example without parsing:
convert xc:"cmyk(0,255,255,0)" -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/sRGB.icc txt:
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,65535,srgb
0,0: (60990,7291,9289) #EE3E1C7B2449 srgb(93%,11%,14%)
So you need to parse the 16-bit values (for IM Q16) in parenthesis, namely, (60990,7291,9289)
vals=`convert xc:"cmyk(0,255,255,0)" \
-profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc \
-profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/sRGB.icc txt: |\
tail -n +2 | sed -n 's/^.*[(]\(.*\)[)][ ]*\#.*$/\1/p'`
red=`echo $vals | cut -d, -f1`
green=`echo $vals | cut -d, -f2`
blue=`echo $vals | cut -d, -f3`
red=`convert -precision 4 xc: -format "%[fx:100*$red/quantumrange]" info:`
green=`convert -precision 4 xc: -format "%[fx:100*$green/quantumrange]" info:`
blue=`convert -precision 4 xc: -format "%[fx:100*$blue/quantumrange]" info:`
echo "$color"
Adjust -precision, for the number of significant digits you want.
NOTE: In IM 7, -precision does work.
magick xc:"cmyk(0,255,255,0)" -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/sRGB.icc -format "%[pixel:u.p{0,0}]\n" info:
magick -precision 4 xc:"cmyk(0,255,255,0)" -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/sRGB.icc -format "%[pixel:u.p{0,0}]\n" info:
magick -precision 2 xc:"cmyk(0,255,255,0)" -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile /Users/fred/images/profiles/sRGB.icc -format "%[pixel:u.p{0,0}]\n" info: