I have data for 3D facia surface mesh. Data are available here, where vb.xlsx contains coordinates for 7160 3D vertices and it.xlsx contains face information. The color coding.t
Is it the expected result?
# Import data
vb <- read_xlsx("vb.xlsx", sheet = 1, col_names = FALSE)
it <- read_xlsx("it.xlsx", sheet = 1, col_names = FALSE)
colorCoding <- read.table("Color coding.txt")$V1
colors <- c("darkgrey","midnightblue")[colorCoding]
vb_mat <- rbind(t(as.matrix(vb)), 1)
rownames(vb_mat) <- c("xpts", "ypts", "zpts", "")
it_mat <- t(as.matrix(it))
rownames(it_mat) <- NULL
vertices <- c(vb_mat)
indices <- c(it_mat)
mesh <- addNormals(
tmesh3d(vertices = vertices, indices = indices, homogeneous = TRUE,
material = list(color=colors)))
shade3d(mesh, specular = "#202020")