dropdown menu is created in shadowDOM
almost perfect, but the problem is how to hide the dropdown menu when click on any where else in window
class NavC
The best solution, as @guitarino suggested is to define a dropdown menu custom element.
When the menu is clicked, call a (first) event handler that will show/hide the menu, and also add/remove a (second) dropdown
event handler on window
At its turn, the (second) dropdown
event handler will call the first event handler only if the action is outside the custom element itself.
//mousedown anywhere
this.mouse_down = ev => !this.contains( ev.target ) && toggle_menu()
//toggle menu and window listener
var toggle_menu = () =>
if ( this.classList.toggle( 'show' ) )
window.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.mouse_down )
window.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.mouse_down )
//click on menu
this.addEventListener( 'click', toggle_menu )
It works with or without Shadow DOM:
customElements.define( 'drop-menu', class extends HTMLElement
constructor ()
this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open'} )
.innerHTML = ' '
//mousedown anywhere
this.mouse_down = ev => !this.contains( ev.target ) && toggle_menu()
//toggle menu and window listener
var toggle_menu = () =>
if ( this.classList.toggle( 'show' ) )
window.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.mouse_down )
window.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.mouse_down )
//click on menu
this.addEventListener( 'click', toggle_menu )
disconnectedCallback ()
this.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.mouse_down )
} )
drop-menu {
position: relative ;
cursor: pointer ;
display: inline-block ;
drop-menu > output {
border: 1px solid #ccc ;
padding: 2px 5px ;
drop-menu > ul {
box-sizing: content-box ;
position: absolute ;
top: 2px ; left: 5px ;
width: 200px;
list-style: none ;
border: 1px solid #ccc ;
padding: 0 ;
opacity: 0 ;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out ;
background: white ;
visibility: hidden ;
z-index: 2 ;
drop-menu.show > ul {
opacity: 1 ;
visibility: visible ;
drop-menu > ul > li {
overflow: hidden ;
transition: font 0.2s ease-in-out ;
padding: 2px 5px ;
background-color: #e7e7e7;
drop-menu:hover {
cursor: pointer;
background-color: #f2f2f2;
drop-menu ul li:hover {
background-color: #e0e0e0;
drop-menu ul li span {
float: right;
color: #f9f9f9;
background-color: #f03861;
padding: 2px 5px;
border-radius: 3px;
text-align: center;
font-size: .8rem;
drop-menu ul li:hover span {
background-color: #ee204e;
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