I was able to improve a code written in python a lot with numpy because of the dot product. Now I still have one part of the code which is still very slow. I still don\'t unders
I'm attempted to re-create the conditions that the question was interested in, but first a smaller test case to illustrate a strategy. First the author's original implementation:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import numpy
def func(re, ws, a, l, r):
for x1 in range(a**l):
for x2 in range(a**l):
for x3 in range(a**l):
f11 = 0
cv1 = numpy.ndarray.sum(
numpy.absolute(numpy.subtract(ws[x1], ws[x2])))
cv2 = numpy.ndarray.sum(
numpy.absolute(numpy.subtract(ws[x1], ws[x3])))
if cv1 == 0:
f11 += 1
if cv2 == 0:
f11 += 1
re[x1][x2][x3] = 1.0*r/(a**l-2)*(numpy.product(numpy.absolute(
numpy.subtract((2*ws[x1]+ws[x2]+ws[x3]), 2)))-f11)
f11 *= 1.0*(1-r)/2
re[x1][x2][x3] += f11
Now with a simple translation to Numba, which is really well suited to these types of deeply nested looping problems when you're dealing with numpy arrays and numerical calculations:
def func2(re, ws, a, l, r):
for x1 in range(a**l):
for x2 in range(a**l):
for x3 in range(a**l):
f11 = 0.0
cv1 = np.sum(np.abs(ws[x1] - ws[x2]))
cv2 = np.sum(np.abs(ws[x1] - ws[x3]))
if cv1 == 0:
f11 += 1
if cv2 == 0:
f11 += 1
y = np.prod(np.abs(2*ws[x1]+ws[x2]+ws[x3] - 2)) - f11
re[x1,x2,x3] = 1.0*r/(a**l-2)*y
f11 *= 1.0*(1-r)/2
re[x1,x2,x3] += f11
and then with some further optimizations to get rid of temporary array creation:
def func3(re, ws, a, l, r):
for x1 in range(a**l):
for x2 in range(a**l):
for x3 in range(a**l):
f11 = 0.0
cv1 = 0.0
cv2 = 0.0
for i in range(ws.shape[1]):
cv1 += np.abs(ws[x1,i] - ws[x2,i])
cv2 += np.abs(ws[x1,i] - ws[x3,i])
if cv1 == 0:
f11 += 1
if cv2 == 0:
f11 += 1
y = 1.0
for i in range(ws.shape[1]):
y *= np.abs(2.0*ws[x1,i] + ws[x2,i] + ws[x3,i] - 2)
y -= f11
re[x1,x2,x3] = 1.0*r/(a**l-2)*y
f11 *= 1.0*(1-r)/2
re[x1,x2,x3] += f11
So some simple test data:
a = 2
l = 5
r = 0.2
wp = (numpy.arange(2**l)[:,None] >> numpy.arange(l)[::-1]) & 1
wp = numpy.hstack([wp.sum(1,keepdims=True), wp])
ws = wp[:, 3:l+3]
re = numpy.zeros((a**l, a**l, a**l))
and now let's check that all three functions produce the same result:
re = numpy.zeros((a**l, a**l, a**l))
func(re, ws, a, l, r)
re2 = numpy.zeros((a**l, a**l, a**l))
func2(re2, ws, a, l, r)
re3 = numpy.zeros((a**l, a**l, a**l))
func3(re3, ws, a, l, r)
print np.allclose(re, re2) # True
print np.allclose(re, re3) # True
And some initial timings using the jupyter notebook %timeit
%timeit func(re, ws, a, l, r)
%timeit func2(re2, ws, a, l, r)
%timeit func3(re3, ws, a, l, r)
1 loop, best of 3: 404 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 14.2 ms per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 605 µs per loop
is ~28x times faster than the original implementation. func3
is ~680x faster. Note that I'm running on a Macbook laptop with an i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM and using Numba 0.25.0.
Ok, so now let's time the a=2
case that everyone is wringing their hands about:
a = 2
l = 10
r = 0.2
wp = (numpy.arange(2**l)[:,None] >> numpy.arange(l)[::-1]) & 1
wp = numpy.hstack([wp.sum(1,keepdims=True), wp])
ws = wp[:, 3:l+3]
re = numpy.zeros((a**l, a**l, a**l))
print 'setup complete'
%timeit -n 1 -r 1 func3(re, ws, a, l, r)
# setup complete
# 1 loop, best of 1: 45.4 s per loop
So this took 45 seconds on my machine single threaded, which seems reasonable if you aren't then doing this one calculation too many times.