I\'m trying to get mean, median, mode and range for a set of values in a table. I was able to get the average but median, range and mode I\'m getting a wrong one.
Not sure if this will help, but here is some sql which allows me generate some stats (..., mean, median, mode,..) within a group by
I am calculated only one measure, but I suspect it can easily be expanded Where I have "GrpByYear", this would have to be expanded into your compound fields.
;with cteBase as (
Select RowNr=Row_Number() over (Partition By Year(TR_Date) Order By Year(TR_Date),TR_Y10)
,GrpByYear = Year(TR_Date)
,Measure = TR_Y10
From [Chinrus-Series].[dbo].[DS_Treasury_Rates]
Where Year(TR_Date)>2014
,cteMedian as (Select A.GrpByYear,Measure From cteBase A Join (Select GrpByYear,RowNr=Max(RowNr)/2 from cteBase Group by GrpByYear) B on (A.GrpByYear=B.GrpByYear and A.RowNr=B.RowNr))
,cteMode as (Select * from (Select RowNr=Row_Number() over (Partition By GrpByYear Order by Count(*) Desc),GrpByYear,Measure,Hits=count(*) From cteBase Group by GrpByYear,Measure) A Where RowNr=1)
Select A.GrpByYear
,RecordCount = Count(*)
,DistinctCount = Count(Distinct A.Measure)
,SumTotal = Sum(A.Measure)
,Minimum = Min(A.Measure)
,Maximum = Max(A.Measure)
,Mean = Avg(A.Measure)
,Median = Max(B.Measure)
,Mode = Max(C.Measure)
,StdDev = STDEV(A.Measure)
From cteBase A
Join cteMedian B on A.GrpByYear=B.GrpByYear
Join cteMode C on A.GrpByYear=C.GrpByYear
Group By A.GrpByYear
Order By A.GrpByYear
Year RecordCount DistinctCount SumTotal Minimum Maximum Mean Median Mode StdDev
2016 110 43 204.82 1.63 2.25 1.862 1.84 1.83 0.128568690811108
2015 251 69 536.71 1.68 2.50 2.1382 2.16 2.20 0.1662836533952