Slow loading of AngularJS app in IE - add progress bar

前端 未结 5 1198
谎友^ 2021-01-27 08:08

UPDATE1: Started using ngProgress, but not giving required effect in IE.
Final Update: Best solution found. See last answer below.

The AngularJS application ha

  •  借酒劲吻你
    2021-01-27 09:02

    Finally, I was able to achieve the best acceptable performance for Chrome and IE.

    Following are the main changes that fixed the problem in the previous code:

    • Do not delete validation rule after applying it. The following code was commented:
      //delete validationList[childID]
    • Use HTML Rules instead of AngularJS 'ng-' rules when possible. For example, use required='required' instead of ng-required='true'.
    • Add the validation rule only if needed, so if it is 'false' not relevant, do not add it.
    • Do not add dynamic error message for 'ng-maxlen'
    • Use validation rules structure with one-layer, which is now seems working better.

    Following is the updated code for directive check-if-required:

    app.directive('checkIfRequired',  function($compile, $parse, $interpolate, $timeout, $q, BusinessLogic){
        return {
            priority: 100,
            terminal: true,
            restrict: 'A',
            require: '?^form',
            link: function (scope, el, attrs, ngForm) {
                var saveIsValidationRequired;
                var mainElmID = $interpolate(el[0].id)(scope);
                var resolvedPromise;
                var getChildren = function(el, doInterpolate) {
                    var resultChildren;
                    doInterpolate = (doInterpolate===undefined)?true:doInterpolate;
                    //Return list of elements which were not compiled before 'compiled === undefined'
                    resultChildren = $(':input', el);
                    //Use code below just in case we want to extract the elements which are not compiled.
                    //Use $interpolate to get the final result for each ID...
                    if (doInterpolate) {
                        for (var i=0; i < resultChildren.length; i++) {
                            if (resultChildren[i].id) {
                                resultChildren[i].id = $interpolate(resultChildren[i].id)(scope);
                    //resultChildren = resultChildren.filter("[id!='']");
                    return resultChildren;
                //User resolvedPromise when no such promise is available.
                resolvedPromise = $q.when('resolved');
                //Code improvement to make this directive more general
                //      Since this directive can be used from within an isolated scope directive such as 'photo-list-upload', then
                //      additional parameters are required to make it work properly.
                //      Make sure all required functions are defined or report warning.
                //      If the function is not defined within 'scope' it will be looked up from within 'BusinessLogic.getScope()'.
                //      If not found at all, default is used, and warning is reported.
                scope.getIsValidationRequired = scope.getIsValidationRequired || 
                                           (BusinessLogic.getScope().getIsValidationRequired) || 
                                           (console.warn("Directive 'apply-validation' element '%s' - function 'scope.getIsValidationRequired()' is not defined. It will always be false.", mainElmID), 
                                             function () {
                                               return false;
                //The promise 'requiredFieldPromise' is used to retrieve list of validation rules from DB
                //Break Point Condition: scope.listData.photosFormName == "subjectPhotos"
                scope.stopExecValidations = scope.stopExecValidations || BusinessLogic.getScope().stopExecValidations || 
                            (console.warn("Directive 'apply-validation' element '%s' - function 'scope.stopExecValidations()' is not defined. Dummy function is used instead.", mainElmID),
                              function () {
                scope.requiredFieldsPromise = 
                    scope.requiredFieldsPromise || (BusinessLogic.getScope().requiredFieldsPromise) || 
                    (console.warn("Directive 'apply-validation' element '%s' - function 'scope.requiredFieldsPromise' is not defined. Resolved promise will be used.", mainElmID),
                //If needed, stop validation while adding required attribute
                //Save current flag value
                saveIsValidationRequired = scope.getIsValidationRequired();
                //remove the attribute `check-if-required` to avoid recursive calls
                //Define function to add validation message using $watch
                //                As soon as an error is detected, then 'title' will be set to the error
                //                Parameters:
                //                  - ngForm: Angualr Form 
                //                  - elm: The HTML element being validated
                //                  - errAttr: the name of the error attribute of the field within ngForm:
                //                      ngFormName.FieldName.$error.errAttributeName
                //                  - errMsg: The error message to be added to the title 
                //                  - msgVar1: optional substitution variable for the error message
                var addValidationMessage = function (ngForm, elm, errAttr, errMsg, msgVar1, elmScope, elmModel) {
                    //Use $timeout to ensure validation rules are added and compiled and that the 'elmModel' is available.
                    //After compile is done then will start watching errors
                        var ngModelName="";
                        //Get the name of the 'ng-model' of the element being validated
                        elmScope = elmScope || scope;
                        elmModel = elmModel || angular.element(elm).controller('ngModel');
                        if (elmModel && elmModel.$name) {
                            ngModelName = elmModel.$name;
                        if (!ngModelName) {
                            ngModelName = angular.element(elm).attr('ng-model');
                        if (ngModelName) {
                            elmScope.$watch(ngForm.$name + '.' + ngModelName + '.$error.' + errAttr,
                                function (newValue, oldValue){
                                    //console.log(" =",;
                                    //The validation error message will be placed on the element 'title' attribute which will be the field 'tooltip'.
                                    //newValue == true means there is error
                                    if (newValue) {
                                        var msgVar1Val;
                                        //Perform variable substitution if required to get the final text of the error message.
                                        if (msgVar1) {
                                            msgVar1Val = elmScope.$eval(angular.element(elm).attr(msgVar1));
                                            errMsg = errMsg.format(msgVar1Val);
                                        //Append the error to the title if neeeded
                                        if (elm.title) {
                                            elm.title += " ";
                                        } else {
                                            elm.title = "";
                                        elm.title += errMsg;
                                    } else {
                                        //Remove the error if valid.
                                        if (elm.title) {
                                            //Replace the error message with blank.
                                            elm.title = elm.title.replace(errMsg, "").trim();
                        } else {
                            //console.warn("Warning in addValidationMessage() for element ID '%s' in ngForm '%s'. Message: 'ng-model' is not defined.",, ngForm.$name)
                    }, 1000);       
                //Refactor - apply validation rule for a given element with `childID`
                function applyValidationElement(childID, child, childElm, elmScope, elmModel, validationList) {
                    //Validation rule for 'childID': related element was found, and now will apply validation rule.
                    var validObjects;
                    var errMsg;
                    validObjects = validationList[childID];
                    //Check if the element is not in "Required" list, and it has an expression to control requried, then
                    //... add the attribute 'ng-required' with the expression specified to the element and compile.
                    //No longer use `check-if-required-expr`, must report error if used.
                    if (!angular.element(child).prop('required') && child.attributes.hasOwnProperty("check-if-required-expr")) {
                        console.error("Unexpected use for attribute 'check-if-required-expr' in directive 'apply-validation' for element ID '%s'. Will be ignored.", childID);
                    if (validObjects === "") {
                        //This means the field is required
                        angular.element(child).attr('required', 'required');
                    else if (angular.isArray(validObjects)) {
                        //This means that there is a list of validation rules
                        for (var idx=0; idx < validObjects.length; idx++) {
                            var validObject = validObjects[idx];
                            var test = validObject.test || "true"; //if not exist, it means the rule should always be applied
                            var minLenExp = validObject.minlen;
                            var maxLenExp = validObject.maxlen;
                            var isRequiredExp = validObject.required || "false";
                            var readonlyExp = (validObject.readonly || "").toString().trim();
                            var pattern = validObject.pattern || "";
                            var isCAPostalCode = (validObject.isCAPostalCode || "false").toString().trim();
                            isRequiredExp = (angular.isString(isRequiredExp)?isRequiredExp:isRequiredExp.toString()).trim();
                            if (test) {
                                var testEval = scope.$eval(test, elmScope);
                                if (testEval) {
                                    if (minLenExp) {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('ng-minlength', minLenExp);
                                    if (maxLenExp) {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('maxlength', maxLenExp);
                                        //For now, to improve performance, do not add validation message - if length exceeds the max
                                        //errMsg = "Number of characters entered should not exceed '{0}' characters.";
                                        //addValidationMessage(ngForm, child, 'maxlength', errMsg, 'ng-maxlength', elmScope, elmModel);
                                    //Add attributes only if needed
                                    if (isRequiredExp.toLowerCase() === "true") {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('required', 'required');
                                    } else
                                    //If the "required" expression is '*skip*' then simply skip.
                                    //If '*skip*' is used, this means the required validation is already defined in code
                                    //and no need to replace it.
                                    if (isRequiredExp && isRequiredExp.toLowerCase() !== "false" && isRequiredExp !== '*skip*') {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('ng-required', isRequiredExp);
                                    if (readonlyExp.toLowerCase() === "true" && readonlyExp != '*skip*') {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('readonly', 'readonly');
                                    } else
                                    //Add readonly validation
                                    if (readonlyExp && readonlyExp.toLowerCase() !== "false" && readonlyExp != '*skip*') {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('ng-readonly', readonlyExp);
                                    if (pattern) {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('ng-pattern', pattern);
                                    if (isCAPostalCode.toLowerCase() === "true") {
                                        angular.element(child).attr('ng-pattern', "/^([A-Z]\\d[A-Z] *\\d[A-Z]\\d)$/i");
                                        //Add validation message if postal code does not match the RegEx
                                        addValidationMessage(ngForm, child, 'pattern', "Invalid postal code.", null, elmScope, elmModel);
                                    //TODO: delete the validation rule after it is implemented to improve performance
                                    //      verify if deleting the key is OK and will not distroy the for-loop index
                                    //delete validationList[childID]
                                    //TODO: Apply only the first matching validation rule
                                    //      May required further analysis if more that one rule will be added.
                //Check of trim for Field ID is done - not needed if field ID is already timmed in `validationList`.
                //BusinessLogic.getScope().mainVM.validFieldIDTrimDone = BusinessLogic.getScope().mainVM.validFieldIDTrimDone || false;
                //var validFieldIDTrimDone;
                function doApplyValidation(scope, el, attrs, ngForm) {
                    var children;
                    var fieldValidList;
                    var validationStructOpt;
                    var mainElmID;
                    children = getChildren(el, true); //Do run interpolation of elements IDs
                    //children = resultChildren = $(':input', el); //getChildren(el, false);  //Do not run interpolation of elements IDs
                    mainElmID = $interpolate(el[0].id)(scope);
                    //Get 'validationStructOpt' option:
                    //      Option = 'onelayer' means there is no 'subform' layer
                    //      Option = 'twolayers' means there is a 'subform' layer which is the default
                    validationStructOpt = validationList.$structureOpt || 'twolayers';
                    if (validationStructOpt === 'onelayer') {
                        //for (var fldIdx=0; fldIdx < Object.keys(validationList).length; fldIdx++) {
                        //console.log("One layer. Number of rules: ", Object.keys(validationList).length)
                        for (var fldIdx=0; fldIdx < children.length; fldIdx++) {
                            var childElm;
                            var child;
                            var childID;
                            var validObjects;
                            var elmScope;
                            var elmModel;
                            //childID = Object.keys(validationList)[fldIdx];
                            //if (childID.startsWith('$')) {
                            //  continue;
                            //childElm = children.filter('#'+childID);
                            //child = childElm.get(0);
                            childElm = children.eq(fldIdx);
                            child = childElm.get(0);
                   = $interpolate(;
                            childID =;
                            //if (childElm.length) {
                            if (childID && (childID in validationList)) {
                                //Validation rule for 'childID': related element was found, and now will apply validation rule.
                                validObjects = validationList[childID];
                                elmScope = angular.element(child).scope() || scope;
                                elmModel = angular.element(child).controller('ngModel');
                                applyValidationElement(childID, child, childElm, elmScope, elmModel, validationList);
                    } else 
                    if (validationStructOpt === 'twolayers') {
                        //angular.forEach(Object.keys(validationList), function(keySubform, subformIdx){
                        for (var subformIdx=0; subformIdx < Object.keys(validationList).length; subformIdx++) {
                            var keySubform = Object.keys(validationList)[subformIdx];
                            if (!keySubform.startsWith('$')) {
                                var subform = validationList[keySubform];
                                for (var childIdx=0; childIdx < Object.keys(subform).length; childIdx++) {
                                    var childID = Object.keys(subform)[childIdx];
                                    var validObjects;
                                    var childElm;
                                    var child;
                                    var elmScope;
                                    var elmModel;
                                    //console.log(subform, validObjects, childID);
                                    //Find the element with id = childID within the 'el' section.
                                    //childElm = $('#'+childID, el);
                                    //Use 'getChildren()' since the result list has ID values which are interpolated.
                                    childElm = children.filter('#'+childID);
                                    //console.log(el[0].id, childID);
                                    if (childElm.length) {
                                        //Validation rule for 'childID': related element was found, and now will apply validation rule.
                                        validObjects = subform[childID];
                                        child = childElm.get(0);
                                        elmScope = angular.element(child).scope() || scope;
                                        elmModel = angular.element(child).controller('ngModel');
                                        applyValidationElement(childID, child, childElm, elmScope, elmModel, validationList[keySubform]);
                        } //Object.keys(validationList).length
                    //After done processing all elements under 'el', compile the parent element 'el'.
                    $compile(el, null, 100)(scope);
                    //If saved flag value is true, enable back validation
                    if (saveIsValidationRequired) {
                function applyValidationTimeout() {
                    //Execute 'doApplyValidation()' in the next cycle, to ensure the child elements have been rendered.
                        //console.log('applyValidationTimeout', mainElmID);
                        doApplyValidation(scope, el, attrs, ngForm);                    
                    }, 100)
                scope.requiredFieldsPromise.then(function(success) {
                    //Apply validation when the Required Fields and Validation Rules have been loaded.
                }, function(prmError){
                    console.warn("Error occured in 'apply-validation' directive while retrieving 'requiredFieldsPromise' for element '%s': %s", mainElmID, prmError);

    Following are the performance results for loading 1000+ fields and validation rules:

    • IE11 without loading validation rules: 35 to 40 seconds
    • IE11 with validation rules (one layer): 50 to 60 seconds
    • Chrome without loading validation rules: 7-9 seconds
    • Chrome with validation rules (one layer): 9-11 seconds
