Is there a way to extract HTML page title using Perl? I know it can be passed as a hidden variable during form submit and then retrieved in Perl that way but I was wondering if
my $spool = 0;
open my $fh, "<", $absPath or die $!;
#open ($fh, "<$tempfile" );
# wrtie the opening brace
print WFL "[";
while (<$fh>) {
# removes the new line from the line read
# removes the leading and trailing spaces.
$_=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# case where the and occures in one line
# we print and exit in one instant
if (($_=~/$startstring/i)&&($_=~/$endstring/i)) {
print WFL "'";
my ($title) = $_=~ m/$startstring(.+)$endstring/si;
print WFL "$title";
print WFL "',";
# case when the is in one line and is in other line
#starting string is found in the line
elsif ($_=~/$startstring/i) {
print WFL "'";
# extract everything after but nothing before
my ($title) = $_=~ m/$startstring(.+)/si;
print WFL "$title";
$spool = 1;
# ending string is found
elsif ($_=~/$endstring/i) {
# read everything before and nothing above that
my ($title) = $_=~ m/(.+)$endstring/si;
print WFL " ";
print WFL "$title";
print WFL "',";
$spool = 0;
# this will useful in reading all line between and
elsif ($spool == 1) {
print WFL " ";
print WFL "$_";
close $fh;
# end of getting the title name