I\'m looking for a simple method for my game, so that when you hold down the space bar, you jump higher. When you \'tap\' you don\'t jump to maximum height. There would need to
In your update function that handles jumping, you could have it keep track of how long the character has been off the ground and have it's upward velocity stop increasing after an amount of time.
For instance, something like the following should work
class Player
private const int gravity = 2; //force of gravity on the object
private const int maxHeight = 5; //change as needed
private const int msecsToMax = 1500; //change as needed
private int yPos = 0;
private int timeOffGround = 0;
private yVel = 0;
//other functions and stuff
void update(GameTime gt)
//check if the player is on the ground and update as necessary
timeOffGround = 0;
timeOffGround += gt.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
//update the player's velocity
yVel -= isOnGround() ? 0 : gravity; //no velocity when on the ground
if(Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.SPACE) && timeOffGround < msecsToMax))
yVel += (maxHeight / msecToMax);
yPos += yVel;