I have a json response as, { \'sadasd123242\' : \'asdadada122dfsfs\', \'dadsadaskljk\' : \'adasdasdasdsadds\' } I want to extract the keys from the response in jmeter test u
Assuming you have the response in the following format:
"data": {
"assets": {
"sadsad12dwqqwe": "asda1212312",
"asdasd1213123": "asdas2131231"
You can extract key names using JSR223 PostProcessor and the following code:
new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).data.assets.eachWithIndex{ def node, int idx ->
log.info('Key ' + idx + '=' + node.getKey())
vars.put('key_' + idx, node.getKey())
It will print key names into jmeter.log file and create JMeter Variables like:
- `${key_1}`
- `${key_2}`
- etc.
holding the required "key" values.