I am writing a function which will provide me previous working day for any given date. Working day means it is a weekday and there\'s no federal holiday on that day.
You are not using Luxon to its full potential. You should leave the date as a Luxon object, do all the operations on it using Luxon's methods, and then convert the date into a string.
To do that, I defined a helper function prevBusinessDayHelper
that takes a Luxon datetime and returns a date time representing the previous business day. It operates entirely in terms of Luxon datetimes, which makes it easy. Then in the outer function, I convert to and from Luxon datetimes.
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
// use a Set to make lookups cheaper
const federalHolidays = new Set([
'2019-05-27', // <-- you were missing the 0 here in yours
// snip
// recursion is good here because it's very shallow
const prevBusinessDayHelper = dt => {
// use luxon's tools!
const yest = dt.minus({ days: 1 });
if (yest.weekday == 6 || yest.weekday == 7 || federalHolidays.has(yest.toISODate()))
return prevBusinessDayHelper(yest);
return yest;
const prevBusinessDay = (isoString, zone) => {
const dt = DateTime.fromISO(isoString).setZone(zone);
return prevBusinessDayHelper(dt).toISODate();
console.log(prevBusinessDay("2019-05-28T07:00:00.000Z", "America/New_York"));