I would like to find difference in two maps and create a new csv file with the difference (and put the difference between **) like below:
Map 1
In the following I'm assuming that the list of maps is sorted appropriately so that the comparison is fair, and that both lists are of the same length:
First, create an Iterator
to traverse both lists simultaneously:
class DualIterator implements Iterator {
Iterator iter1
Iterator iter2
boolean hasNext() {
iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()
List next() {
[iter1.next(), iter2.next()]
void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
Next, process the lists to get rows for the CSV file:
def rows = new DualIterator(list1.iterator(), list2.iterator())
.findAll { it[0] != it[1] } // Grab the non-matching lines.
.collect { // Mark the non-matching values.
(m1, m2) = it
m1.keySet().each { key ->
if(m1[key] != m2[key]) {
m1[key] = "*${m1[key]}*"
m2[key] = "*${m2[key]}*"
[m1, m2]
}.collect { // Merge the map values into a List of String arrays
[it[0].values(), it[1].values()].flatten() as String[]
Finally, write the header and rows out in CSV format. NOTE: I'm using a proper CSV; your example is actually invalid because the number of columns are inconsistent:
def writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter('blah.csv'))
writer.writeNext(['name1', 'cuInfo1', 'service1', 'startDate1', 'appId1', 'name2', 'cuInfo2', 'service2', 'startDate2', 'appId2'] as String[])
The output looks like this:
"Apple","T12","3","*14-02-16 10:00*","*G12351*","Apple","T12","3","*14-01-16 13:22*","*G12355*"
"Apple","T13","3","*14-01-16 13:00*","*G12352*","Apple","T13","3","*12-02-16 13:00*","*G12356*"
"Google","T14","9","10-01-16 11:20","*G12301*","Google","T14","9","10-01-16 11:20","*G12300*"
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