How I should enable debug draw with Cocos2d-x 3.0? There are some codes that do that with cocos2d-x 2.0 but they don\'t even compile on Cocos2d-x. Unfortunately I am new to both
For Debug Draw You Need Two File
File Download Link
After that
Inclue that file
and create a Vaiable in .h file
GLESDebugDraw *debugDraw;
and in .ccp file
b2Vec2 gravity;
gravity.Set(0.0f, -9.8f);
this->world = new b2World(gravity);
this->debugDraw = new GLESDebugDraw(PTM_RATIO);
uint32 flags = 0 ;
flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit ;
flags += b2Draw::e_jointBit;
// flags + = b2Draw :: e_aabbBit;
// flags + = b2Draw :: e_pairBit;
flags += b2Draw::e_centerOfMassBit;
this->debugDraw->SetFlags (flags);
in . h file
void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags);
in .cpp
void HelloWorld::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags)
Layer::draw(renderer, transform, flags);
Director* director = Director::getInstance();
NOW Enjoy Debug draw