I have a problem with my body element. It seems that it is filling 100% percent of the screen. However, if you drag the browser small and then scroll down - the body doesn\'t
I believe that THIS FIDDLE answers the question. I have been using this in production and it has been working great.
Main Content
Other thing for example.
/* hard reset */
* {
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative;
padding: 0; margin: 0;
/* micro clear fix (clears floats) */
.contain:after {
content: " "; /* 1 */
display: table; /* 2 */
.contain:after {
clear: both;
.contain {
*zoom: 1;
html {
height: 100%; /* 01 */
/* tells html to go ahead and feel free to be 100% height */
body {
min-height: 100%; /* 02 */
/* expands to push html to the limit */
.main-wrapper {
/* overflow: hidden; */
/* in this case - forces wrapper to contain content (like a clear-fix) */
/* use clear fix instead */
/* if you see yellow - we are failing */
.main-content {
width: 100%;
float: left;
.other-thing {
width: 100%;
float: left;
I've tested this - and it seems to work in every situation, assuming that you keep all of your containers and stuff actually containing properly. There must be downfalls to this overflow: hidden; or people wouldn't use clear-fix. So - I would love hear more input.
Alternatively, I think that the html and body can be 100% and then the .main-wrapper can be min-height: 100%; and that works as well. Basically - something needs to force all of its containers to stretch. and in order to do that, all of those containers must be set to 100% so that they remember that they have that ability. Or am I anthropomorphizing the divs too much...
UPDATE 2021:
The nature of the web is to allow the content to define the 'shape' or the 'space' or whatever you want to call it... so - the body doesn't really know how 'tall' it is. It knows it's 100% width, because it's a block level element. So, unless you tell the HTML to be height: 100%, and then every child... then they wouldn't really know what "100%" really meant. 100% of what? For dashboard apps and desktop full-screen layouts you may want to set the hight (but not in most cases) - and using 100vh
units is available now. General rule: just let the content decide the size of it's parent element and work with the nature of The Web. (ignore all that code up there! It's 2021: flex-box + grid! : )