I have got a WPF application, and I would like to save a Canvas to a file with a correct DPI value. The Canvas size is the real physical size, eg. 20x10 cm, at 300 DPI, so it\'s
The following method saves a UIElement to a JPEG file with the specified DPI value:
public static void SaveElement(UIElement element, double dpi, string path)
var visual = new DrawingVisual();
var width = element.RenderSize.Width;
var height = element.RenderSize.Height;
using (var context = visual.RenderOpen())
context.DrawRectangle(new VisualBrush(element), null,
new Rect(0, 0, width, height));
var bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(
(int)(width * dpi / 96), (int)(height * dpi / 96),
dpi, dpi, PixelFormats.Default);
var encocer = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(path))
Alternatively, apply the DPI scaling to the DrawingVisual:
public static void SaveElement(UIElement element, double dpi, string path)
var visual = new DrawingVisual();
var width = element.RenderSize.Width;
var height = element.RenderSize.Height;
using (var context = visual.RenderOpen())
context.DrawRectangle(new VisualBrush(element), null,
new Rect(0, 0, width / dpi * 96, height / dpi * 96));
var bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(
(int)width, (int)height, dpi, dpi, PixelFormats.Default);
var encocer = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(path))