So I basically have an array of words and phrases. Some of them contain curses. I want to create a method that automatically scans each of the units in the array for curses. If
If it is a rather small list just iterate through it checking each word.
If it is rather large put the "bad words" in an NSOrderedSet
and then use the method: containsObject:
If the number of words to be checked is not small you could also put the words to be checked in an NSSet
and the "bad words" in another NSSet
and use the method: intersectsSet:
NSArray *stringsToCheck = @[@"hey how are you", @"what is going on?", @"whats up dude?", @"do you want to get chipotle?"];
NSSet *badWords = [NSSet setWithArray:@[@"how", @"dude", @"yes"]];
for (NSString *line in stringsToCheck) {
NSSet *checkWords = [NSSet setWithArray:[line componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
NSLog(@"checkWords: %@", checkWords);
if ([checkWords intersectsSet:badWords]) {
NSLog(@"checkWords contains a bad word in: '%@'", [[checkWords allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@" "]);
// Now search for the specific bad word if necessary.
NSLog output:
checkWords contains a bad word in: 'you how are hey'