Hi i have three Fields in my view.That three fields are drop down. I want to pass the value to these fields when edit button is clicked. That is the values need to pass to that
You are using a DropDownList(...)
instead of a DropDownListFor(...)
Your Model
You must add a SelectList:
public SelectList Employees { get; set }
Your Edit
You must get your employees list and add it to your model:
// Get employees list from the database
var employees = db.Employee.Select(x => x.Id, x.Name).Tolist();
// Put the employees in a SelectList
var selectList = new SelectList(employees .Select(x => new { value = x.Id, text = x.Name }), "value", "text");}).ToList();
// Pass the list to your ViewModel
ObjVisitorsviewModel.Employees = selectList;
Your View
Finally, change your DropDownListFor line for this:
@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.EmployeeID,
By using DropDownList(...)
, your object data is not bound to the DropDown. You must manage its selected value manually.