By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13.
What is the 10 001st prime number?
My solution:
I would comment, but I just joined.
You don't have to check every number between 1 and a numbers square root for potential divisors, you just have to check all previous primes (assuming you start at 1 and iterate up), as any other divisor that is not prime will itself be divisible by a prime of a lower value. the higher the number of primes, the more checks against non prime numbers this saves. the example is in C# but that's more to demonstrate the concept.
//store found primes here, for checking subsequent primes
private static List Primes;
private static bool IsPrime(long number)
//no number will have a larger divisor withou some smaller divisor
var maxPrime = Math.Sqrt(number);
// takes the list of primes less than the square root and
// checks to see if all of that list is not evenly
// divisible into {number}
var isPrime = Primes
.TakeWhile(prime => !(prime > maxPrime))
.All(prime => number % prime != 0);
if (isPrime)
return isPrime;
private static long GetNthPrime(int n)
//reset primes list to prevent persistence
Primes = new List { 2, 3, 5, 7 };
//prime in starting set
if (Primes.Count >= n)
return Primes[n - 1];
//iterate by 6 to avoid all divisiors of 2 and 3
// (also have to check i + 2 for this to work)
// similar to incrementing by 2 but skips every third increment
// starting with the second, as that is divisible by 3
for (long i = 11; i < long.MaxValue; i += 6)
// only check count if is prime
if ((IsPrime(i) && Primes.Count >= n) || (IsPrime(i + 2) && Primes.Count >= n))
//return end of list
return Primes[n - 1];