I have a nested list called basic
and I want to change one of its entries. I had assumed the following behaviour:
expected = [ [9],[0] ]
In your first example:
basic = [ [0],[0] ]
you have created a list object containing two different list objects. You can see that they are different objects via id()
or identity:
assert id(basic[0]) != id(basic[1])
assert basic[0] is not basic[1]
In your second example:
l = [0]
modified = [ l, l ]
you have placed the same list object into another list two times. Both list indicies refer to the same object:
assert id(basic[0]) == id(basic[1])
assert basic[0] is basic[1]
So, yes. This is how variables (and the objects they point to) work in Python.
To get the expected behavior, you need to create separate list objects:
modified = [ l.copy(), l.copy() ]