I am trying to make calculator that can solve expressions with basic 4 operators, like 1+2*3-4/5, however it does not work and I do not know what is wrong. Please check my code.
Here is a simple python calculator program, feel free to use it:
#Python calculator
def menu():
print ("Welcome to calculator.py")
print ("your options are:")
print (" ")
print ("1) Addition")
print ("2) Subtraction")
print ("3) Multiplication")
print ("4) Division")
print ("5) Quit calculator.py")
print (" ")
return input ("Choose your option: ")
def add(a,b):
print (a, "+", b, "=", a + b)
def sub(a,b):
print (b, "-", a, "=", b - a)
def mul(a,b):
print (a, "*", b, "=", a * b)
def div(a,b):
print (a, "/", b, "=", a / b)
loop = 1
choice = 0
while loop == 1:
choice = menu()
if choice == 1:
add(input("Add this: "),input("to this: "))
elif choice == 2:
sub(input("Subtract this: "),input("from this: "))
elif choice == 3:
mul(input("Multiply this: "),input("by this: "))
elif choice == 4:
div(input("Divide this: "),input("by this: "))
elif choice == 5:
loop = 0
print ("Thank you for using calculator.py!")