I have data in Excel sheets and I need a way to clean it. I would like remove inconsistent values, like Branch name is specified as (Computer Science and Engineering, C.S.E, C.S
There are no one size fits all solutions for these types of problems. From what I understand you have Branch Names that are inconsistently labelled.
You would like to see C.S.E. but what you actually have is CS, Computer Science, CSE, etc. And perhaps a number of other Branch Names that are inconsistent.
The first thing I would do is get a unique list of Branch Names in the file. I'll provide an example using letters() so you can see what I mean
your_df <- data.frame(ID=1:2000)
your_df$BranchNames <- sample(letters,2000, replace=T)
your_df$BranchNames <- as.character(your_df$BranchNames) # only if it's a factor
unique.names <- sort(unique(your_df$BranchNames))
Now that we have a sorted list of unique values, we can create a listing of recodes:
Let's say we wanted to rename A through G as just A
your_df$BranchNames[your_df$BranchNames %in% unique.names[1:7]] <- "A"
And you'd repeat the process above eliminating or group the unique names as appropriate.