I am sure this is a popular question but I can\'t find the exact answer I need. I simply need to access a function or functions created in the Main.as document class. I have tri
Ok I got the following code to work. It's really a messy solution but I didn't know of a better way. It works. I just hope it's stable and does not use a lot of resources.
If you have a much better Idea I am open.
Here is the MainDoc.as
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
import com.*;
import com.views.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filesystem.*;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import flash.system.System;
public class mainDoc extends MovieClip
/// (Get Main Doc flow) this creates an instace of the main timeline
/// and then I send it
private static var _instance:mainDoc;
public static function get instance():mainDoc { return _instance; }
/// Calls the defaultVars.as in to "vars".
var vars:defaultVars = new defaultVars();
public function mainDoc()
/// Makes this class ready to be passed to defautVars.as
_instance = this;
// Sends the _instance to defaulVars.as to be accessed later.
// Calls a function in defaultVars.as and loads a var
Here is the defaultVars.as
package com {
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.events.*
import flash.net.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filesystem.*;
public class defaultVars
/// Makes the MainDoc.as a MovieClip
// Not sure if this is good but it works.
public var MainDoc:MovieClip;
public function defaultVars()
public function getMainDoc(_instance:MovieClip)
trace("CALLED" + _instance);
/// receives the _instance var and its converted to a MovieClip
// This can now be used in any function because I declared it a public var.
MainDoc = _instance;
public function loadButtonVars(Language:String)
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("Languages/" + Language + "/vars.xml"));
myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
function processXML(e:Event):void
myXML = new XML(e.target.data);
/// Home Screen Buttons
homeT = myXML.Button.(@Title=="homeT");
homeB1 = myXML.Button.(@Title=="homeB1");
homeB2 = myXML.Button.(@Title=="homeB2");
homeB3 = myXML.Button.(@Title=="homeB3");
homeB4 = myXML.Button.(@Title=="homeB4");
homeB5 = myXML.Button.(@Title=="homeB5");
/// HERE IS WHERE I CALL FUNCTION from MainDoc after xml is loaded.
trace("xml loaded!!!! " + homeB1);