I\'m using a CListCtrl in Icon view, but it scrolls horizontally:
1 3 5 7 -->
2 4 6 8 -->
I\'d rather it scroll horizontally:
In list control,to display content with image in single column with vertical scrollbar .add following code, In PreCreateWindow function,add following line cs.style |= (LVS_REPORT|LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER); and in OnIntialUpdate function add following line, fileList.InsertColumn(0," ",LVCFMT_LEFT|LVCFMT_IMAGE,120,-1); ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT,1); after this,whereever you want to insert data in list you can but take care that you set imagelist and then insert data using insertitem eg: fileList,insertitem(0,"India",1); where 1-> is index of image in imagelist.