So at the momemt I\'m searching for a way to merge 2 CSV files.
Here is an example for what I mean:
Import the CSV files and convert each to a hash table, then find the common names:
$csv1 = Import-Csv -Path csv1.csv
$csv2 = Import-Csv -Path csv2.csv
$HashCSV1 = @{}
$HashCSV2 = @{}
$HashMerge = @{}
foreach($r in $csv1)
$HashCSV1[$r.Name] = $r.Count
foreach($r in $csv2)
$HashCSV2[$r.Name] = $r.Count
foreach ($key in $HashCSV1.Keys) {
if ($HashCSV2.ContainsKey($key)) {
$HashMerge[$key] = [int]$HashCSV1[$key] + [int]$HashCSV2[$key]
} else {
$HashMerge[$key] = $HashCSV1[$key]
foreach ($key in $HashCSV2.Keys) {
if (-not $HashCSV1.ContainsKey($key)) {
$HashMerge[$key] = $HashCSV2[$key]
&{$HashMerge.getenumerator() |
foreach {new-object psobject -Property @{Name = $;Count=$_.value}}
} | export-csv merge.csv -notype