Are there any rails libraries for managing file attachments connected with ActiveRecord?
I know paperclip, but it seems suitable for images primarily. They inde
The question above contains more than one facette. So I'll try to answer them all one-by-one.
It is possible to use paperclip for other files than images. You can define custom import actions by subclassing Paperclip::Processor. The following code shows a minimal structure of a custom processor implementation. This can be adapted to any file type with custom options
module Paperclip
class FileContents < Processor
def initialize file, options = {}, attachment = nil
@file = file
@options = options
@instance = attachment.instance
@current_format = File.extname(attachment.instance.asset_file_name)
@basename = File.basename(@file.path, @current_format)
@whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny]
def make
# your import code (e.g. ocr or video resizing)...
rescue StandardError => e
raise PaperclipError, "There was an error processing the file contents for #{@basename} - #{e}" if @whiny
Someone wrote a paperclip processor for video files already. Have a look at the source of paperclip-ffmpeg gem to see how complex processors are written.
Here are some alternatives I found:
Pro and Cons are already discussed here on stackoverflow.