Field of camera preview is smaller if I use the way of preview in grifika's ContinuousCaptureActivity

后端 未结 1 572
独厮守ぢ 2021-01-26 19:20

We know that we will get a lager field of preview at the same distance when camera preview ratio set to 4:3 instead of 16:9, the detail is as follows:<

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-26 20:11

    After a struggle, I finally found out the exact reason, it is the API Camera.Parameters.setRecordingHint(true)

    When I removed this clause in my source code, the field of preview became normal.

    In one word, the API Camera.Parameters.setRecordingHint(true) is a bug in some android devices.

    For some devices, if preview ratio is set to 4:3(use API Camera.Parameters.setPreviewSize(int, int)), calling API setRecordingHint(true) will cause the field of camera preview to be smaller.

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