I have tried to fix this for a long time, and i just can\'t do it.
It could be any string, but this is an example:
\"\\This string \\contains some\\ bac
Not sure what you're asking.. are you asking how to write a String literal that represents the String you gave as an example? You could either escape the backslash with another backslash, or use triple quotes.
scala> "\\This string \\contains some\\ backslashes\\"
String = \This string \contains some\ backslashes\
scala> """\This string \contains some\ backslashes\"""
String = \This string \contains some\ backslashes\
And replace the backslashes using the same techniques.
scala> "\\This string \\contains some\\ backslashes\\".replace("\\","\\\\")
String = \\This string \\contains some\\ backslashes\\
scala> """\This string \contains some\ backslashes\""".replace("""\""","""\\""")
String = \\This string \\contains some\\ backslashes\\
But I have a feeling you want to do something else, like validate input. Maybe you could provide a bit more context?