Using Crystal Report 8.5
Personid Date
3100 22-02-2009
3100 22-02-2009
3100 22-02-2009
3200 22-02-2009
3200 22-02-2009
3200 22-02-20
You should be able to group by PersonID and then by Date, move the fields from the details section to the Date group footer and then suppress the Details, PersonID Header and Footer, and Date Header so that the Date Footer works as your details row. Doing this will only show one row for each PersonID and Date combination. Hope that helps.
Edit: Each group header and footer only displays once for each change of the value. Therefore in your example if you didn't suppress any sections you'd have something like the following:
GH1 - 3100
GH2 - 22-02-2009
D - 3100 22-02-2009
D - 3100 22-02-2009
GF2 - 22-02-2009
GH2 - 23-02-2009
D - 3100 23-02-2009
D - 3100 23-02-2009
D - 3100 23-02-2009
D - 3100 23-02-2009
GF2 - 23-02-2009
GF1 - 3100
GH1 - 3200
GH2 - 22-02-2009
D - 3200 22-02-2009
D - 3200 22-02-2009
D - 3200 22-02-2009
D - 3200 22-02-2009
GF2 - 22-02-2009
GH2 - 23-02-2009
D - 3200 23-02-2009
D - 3200 23-02-2009
D - 3200 23-02-2009
D - 3200 23-02-2009
GF2 - 23-02-2009
GF1 - 3200
Therfore if you hide all of the sections except for the GF2 sections you'd get:
GF2 - 3100 22-02-2009
GF2 - 3100 23-02-2009
GF2 - 3200 22-02-2009
GF2 - 3200 23-02-2009