Show the titles and the award amounts of 20 awards that contain words discover, discoverer, discovery, discovered, and discovering in their abstracts.
My query:
You are missing the single quotes around your criteria, you are only looking for words that start with "discov", your order by clause is in the wrong place, and you are using a count() expression without grouping by the other non-aggregate fields. In order to fix this and look for words containing "discov", use this:
SELECT title, abstract, count(award),
FROM table
WHERE abstract
LIKE '%discov%'
GROUP BY title, abstract
ORDER BY count(award)
If you truly did mean to just look for words starting with "discov", then use this:
SELECT title, abstract, count(award),
FROM table
WHERE abstract
LIKE 'discov%'
GROUP BY title, abstract
ORDER BY count(award)