I have a really simple mediaTypes table which contains the following columns:
id string
name string
Each mediaType record can have many \"place
maybe this is a subjective solution. If the Placements table have no much columns, ej: (detail_col_1, detail_col_2, detail_col_3.. detail_col_6) the table design is not that bad, I mean, it doesn`t depend of how many null columns you got, maybe it looks ugly but it should work. Now, if you want a complex method I'd suggest some of these:
+ id
+ name
+ id
+ mediaTypeId
+ name
+ detail
In detail I can define my attributes as json, and set the correct values for each type:
row 1: {'attr1': valx, 'attr2': valy} row 2: {'attr4': valz, 'attr1': valw}
Now, the problem here is the query filter (you cannot). This should work if you want to save extra info.
+ id
+ name
+ id
+ mediaTypeId
+ name
DetailAttributes //table of attributes for any type
+ id
+ name
+ mediaTypeId
PlacementDetailAttributes //many to many rel between DetailAttributes&Placements
+ placementId
+ detailAttributeId
+ value
With this approach you can add many attributes as you want. Query filter by attributes should work too!!