I have a model that implements NestedSet behaviour:
hasManyRoots: true
rootColumnName: root_id
slug: str
Since I hate having any kind of logic in templates (and partials), here's my slightly improved version.
getName() ?>
get('__children')) > 0): ?>
$child->get('__children'), 'parent' => $child)) ?>
So, all the logic for building a url is now in Page::getPath() method.
class Page extends BasePage
* Full path to node from root
protected $path = false;
public function __toString()
return $this->getSlug();
public function getPath($parent = null)
if (!$this->path)
$this->path = join('/', null !== $parent ? array($parent->getPath(), $this) : array($this));
return $this->path;
What I don't like it having to pass $parent to Page::getPath(). It just doesn't make any semantical sense.