I\'ve been trying to define a function which, given a list of Integers and an Integer n, returns a Boolean indicating whether n occurs exactly once in the list.
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Well, you can filter the list, then see how many elements are in the resulting filter, right?
To get you started:
> filter (== 2) [1,2,3,4,5]
> filter (== 2) [1,2,3,4,5,2,2]
And to fold your list down to a Bool value, here, an example where we test if a list has three elements, returning a Bool:
> isThree (a:b:c:[]) = True
> isThree _ = False
So it is just a short matter of composing such functions:
> isThree . filter (==2)
or your variant (e.g. matching for lists of length 1).