I am displaying data on mat table from rest api, In which there is a column \"changeType\" which displaying data in numeric form. Here it displaying \"4\" for \"Add\", and \"1\"
You can do a function that take in input element.changeType and return the real value:
in html :
Change Type
in .ts
resolveEnum(num: number) {
if(num == 1)
return "Update"
else if(.....)
Obviously this is only an example you can make resolveEnum function better with switch case etc..
Thanks to @Drenai I made a batter solution, from the performance point of view.
I made a resolEnum pipe so:
Make the pipe:
name: 'resolveEnum'
export class ResolveEnum implements PipeTransform {
constructor(private utility: UtilityService) { }
transform(value: number): string {
return this.utility.resolveEnum(value);
where utilityService is a service where there is resolveEnum function.
In html:
Change Type
{{element | resolveEnum}}