I have run into an issue a couple of weeks ago that appear to have no logical explanation. I\'m building an application with Delphi 2007 using AlphaControls and a WebBrowser com
It is caused by the html form being closed. The vendor's forums show some code that will fix the problem. http://www.bsalsa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=255
Set Cancel to True in the OnWindowClosing event and navigate to an empty page if it is the main webbrowser. In case your webbrowser is a popup window, you may want to close the form the EWB is on.
procedure TForm2.EmbeddedWB1WindowClosing(ASender: TObject; IsChildWindow: WordBool; var Cancel: WordBool);
Cancel := True;
(ASender as TEmbeddedWB).GoAboutBlank;