I have array of cars and an array of price corresponding to each car.
I want to implement the function highest3 which will return an array of 3 cars in order by their p
This is only one possible solution:
//I assume you get the arrays correctly linked i.e price[0] is the
//price of cars[0]
var cars = ["Ferrari", "Lamborghini", "Jaguar", "Hummer", "Toyota"];
var price = [12, 34.5, 3.54, 45.9, 3.44];
result == ["Hummer", "Lamborghini", "Ferrari"];
function highest3 (cars, price) {
//First we unite the two arrays
carsAndPrice = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cars.length; i = i +1)
carsAndPrice[i] = {car:cars[i],price:price[i]};
//Now that the price and the cars are strongly linked we sort the new array
//I'm using bubble sort to sort them descending this seems to be more of
//a beginner question
var swapped;
do {
swapped = false;
for (var j=0; j < carsAndPrice.length-1; i++) {
if (carsAndPrice[i].price < carsAndPrice[i+1].price) {
var temp = carsAndPrice[i];
carsAndPrice[i] = a[i+1];
carsAndPrice[i+1] = temp;
swapped = true;
} while (swapped);
//return the name of the first 3 cars from the array
var result = [];
result[0] = carsAndPrice[0].price; //Most expensive
result[1] = carsAndPrice[1].price;
result[2] = carsAndPrice[2].price;