I need to split a string in a column into one character each into it\'s own column in SQL Server 2012.
Example: if I have a column with \'ABCDE\'
, I need to
I am interpreting the question as putting the characters into one column ("split a string in a column into one character each into it's own column"). However, I realize that this might be ambiguous.
One method is with a recursive CTE:
with chars as (
select left(val, 1) as c, substring(val, 2, len(val)) as rest
from (select 'ABCDE' as val union all select '123') t
union all
select left(rest, 1), substring(rest, 2, len(rest))
from chars
where rest <> ''
select c
from chars;
Just plug in your table and column in the subquery. Note that you might want to include other columns as well.
Here is a SQL Fiddle.
If you want multiple columns and the number is not fixed, then you will need dynamic SQL.