Below is my HTML file to sort price category but my Pipe does not quite work. Two objects in my products model are priceCategory: string, Price: Number --> and more: color, bra
I created a class: SearchField
export class SearchField {
fieldName: string; //Apple, Samsung, Memory, color, et..
products: Product[]; //the products in the field;
selected: boolean; //if this field is selected, shows the products in the product list.
constructor(fieldName: string) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.products = [];
this.selected = false;
addProduct(product: Product) {
getProducts() {
return this.products;
// $0-100 (3) : tells shopper there are 3 products that belong to $0-100. If this field is selected, 3 items appear in product list.
getCount() {
return this.products.length;
To get a better understanding of my app: The Filter results are displayed on the left while product search/found takes most of the space on the center. Products varies: toys, video-games, shoes, etc..
FILTER RESULTS Iphone, $700, white, AT&T, 2GB, etc.
Title: Asc, Desc Pixel, $700, white, Verizon, 2GB, etc..
Price: Asc, Desc Iphone SE, $550, black, AT&T, 1GB, etc..
Before I implemented bubble sort, I stored all the search items in an array in my service. For price category: priceCategories: SearchField[];
getPriceCategoryQueries() {
for(let i=0; i this.priceCategories[i+1].products[0].price) {
temp = priceCategories[i];
this.priceCategories[i] = this.priceCategories[i+1];
this.priceCategories[i+1] = temp;
swapped = true;
Conclusion: Pipes are great. They have the same code for brandCategory, Color, etc, but the pipe I am using does not work for priceCategory, and sizeCategory: size 2-5 comes before size 10 - 15. That is the reason why I am using bubble sort. If I help you in anyway, please vote for my "OWN ANSWER" for my application.