How can I check if input is a letter or character in Python?
Input should be amount of numbers user wants to check. Then program should check if input given by user be
This question keeps coming up in one form or another. Here's a broader response.
## Code to check if user input is letter, integer, float or string.
#Prompting user for input.
userInput = input("Please enter a number, character or string: ")
while not userInput:
userInput = input("Input cannot be empty. Please enter a number, character or string: ")
#Creating function to check user's input
inputType = '' #See:
def inputType():
global inputType
def typeCheck():
global inputType
float(userInput) #First check for numeric. If this trips, program will move to except.
if float(userInput).is_integer() == True: #Checking if integer
inputType = 'an integer'
inputType = 'a float' #Note: n.0 is considered an integer, not float
if len(userInput) == 1: #Strictly speaking, this is not really required.
if userInput.isalpha() == True:
inputType = 'a letter'
inputType = 'a special character'
inputLength = len(userInput)
if userInput.isalpha() == True:
inputType = 'a character string of length ' + str(inputLength)
elif userInput.isalnum() == True:
inputType = 'an alphanumeric string of length ' + str(inputLength)
inputType = 'a string of length ' + str(inputLength) + ' with at least one special character'
#Calling function
print(f"Your input, '{userInput}', is {inputType}.")