I am trying to get the links from a news website page(from one of its archives). I wrote the following lines of code in Python:
contains :
you are using link_dictionary vaguely. If you are not using it for reading purpose then try the following code :
br = mechanize.Browser()
htmltext = br.open(url).read()
articletext = ""
for tag_li in soup.findAll('li', attrs={"data-section":"Op-Ed"}):
for link in tag_li.findAll('a'):
urlnew = urlnew = link.get('href')
brnew = mechanize.Browser()
htmltextnew = brnew.open(urlnew).read()
articletext = ""
soupnew = BeautifulSoup(htmltextnew)
for tag in soupnew.findAll('p'):
articletext += tag.text
print re.sub('\s+', ' ', articletext, flags=re.M)
Note : re
is for regulare expression. for this you import the module of re