How would I go about converting following date:
Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016
into a format like \'2016-02-18\'?
I know,
I guess I should wait for you to post some code, but here's an example. It splits the string into parts, converts the month name to a number, then outputs the bits you want in the order you want. The slice on the month name is just in case you want to use the full month name, but maybe that's unnecessary:
function reformatDate(s){
var b = s.split(/[\s:]/);
var months = {jan:'01',feb:'02',mar:'03',apr:'04',may:'05',jun:'06',
return b[7] + '/' + months[b[1].toLowerCase().slice(0,3)] + '/' + ('0'+b[2]).slice(-2);
document.write(reformatDate('Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016'));
That format date string (y/m/d) isn't consistent with any standard that I know of and likely will not be parsed by most browsers.