Here is a recursive function that I\'m trying to create that finds all the subsets passed in an STL set. the two params are an STL set to search for subjects, and a number i >=
From what I understand you are actually trying to generate all subsets of 'i' elements from a given set right ?
Modifying the input set is going to get you into trouble, you'd be better off not modifying it.
I think that the idea is simple enough, though I would say that you got it backwards. Since it looks like homework, i won't give you a C++ algorithm ;)
generate_subsets(set, sizeOfSubsets) # I assume sizeOfSubsets cannot be negative
# use a type that enforces this for god's sake!
if sizeOfSubsets is 0 then return {}
else if sizeOfSubsets is 1 then
result = []
for each element in set do result <- result + {element}
return result
result = []
baseSubsets = generate_subsets(set, sizeOfSubsets - 1)
for each subset in baseSubssets
for each element in set
if no element in subset then result <- result + { subset + element }
return result
The key points are:
Now, you'll have to understand this and transpose it to 'real' code.