I have a list with names of employers such as:
Node 1: Jill, Matt, Joe, Bob, Matt
Node 2: Jeff, James, John, J
For what it's worth, I'd probably implement it like this.
class EmployerCollection
typedef std::list EmployerList;
bool AddEmployer(const std::string& name)
EmployerList::const_iterator it = std::find(m_employers.begin(), m_employers.end(), name);
if (it != m_employers.end()) // Already exists in list.
m_employers.splice(m_employers.begin(), m_employers, it, std::next(it));
return true;
return false;
EmployerList m_employers;
int main()
const int NUM_EMPLOYERS = 15;
std::string employers[NUM_EMPLOYERS] = {"Jill", "Jeff", "Doe", "Pablo", "Loui", "Ron", "Bob", "Joe", "Monica", "Luis", "Edward", "Matt", "James", "Edward", "John"};
EmployerCollection c;
for (int i=0; i