Data in this fashion:
[Array1] = [\'blue\',\'green\', \'yellow\',\'red\',\'very very red\']
[Array2] = [\'ColumnA\',\'ColumnB\',\'ColumnC\',\'ColumnD\',\'ColumnD
Edit: the working solution ;)
The thing is, I actually rushed into the wrong direction. I came up with the following idea, which uses a recursive function therefore making it much more easy to read.
Indeed, you want to have all the combinations, without the permutations. Here I put only the first letter of a color. So, from:
b1 b2 g1 y1 y2 r1 r2 r3
You want to have (the order here is what the code will do):
b1 g1 y1 r1
b1 g1 y1 r2
b1 g1 y1 r3
b1 g1 y2 r1
b1 g1 y2 r2
b1 g1 y2 r3
b2 g1 y1 r1
b2 g1 y1 r2
b2 g1 y1 r3
b2 g1 y2 r1
b2 g1 y2 r2
b2 g1 y2 r3
First, I wanted another format for the column/color array, as it would be easier to work with. I wanted to go from
[A ,A ,B ,C ,C ,D ,D ,D]
[ A , B , C , D ]
This way we would have, for each column value, a matching subarray containg all the colors related to the column.
The following function achieves this purpose (even though it is probably not the optimal way to do it):
//column and color are the paired arrays you have as data input
function arrangeArrays(column, color) {
var ret=new Array(); //the returned container for the data
ret["color"]=new Array(); //the color part of the returned data
ret["column"]=new Array(); //the column part of the returned data
var tmp=new Array(); //an internal array we'll use to switch from associative keys to normal keys
//we parse the paired arrays
for(var i in column) {
//if the column is not an associative key in tmp, we declare it as an array
tmp[column[i]]=new Array();
//we add the color to the subarray matching its column
//now we just translate these horrible associative keys into cute array-standard integer keys
for(var i in tmp) {
//the commented code is a quick does-it-work block
for(var i in ret["column"]) {
document.write("column="+ret["column"][i]+" --- color(s)="+ret["color"][i].join()+"
return ret;
Now to the core. Each call to the function will process one column, and actually only a part of it, using recursion to deal with other columns. Using a simplified example, the code does this:
[ A , B ]
total combinations: 2*2=4
first call for 1st column, length is 4, 2 possible values, first insert loops 4/2=2 times:
call for 2nd column, length is 2, 2 possible values, first insert loops 2/2=1 time:
b1 y1
call for 3rd column, no 3rd column, coming back
call for 2nd column, length is 2, 2 possible values, second insert loops 2/2=1 time:
b1 y1
b1 y2
call for 3rd column, no 3rd column, coming back
call for 2nd column done, coming back
first call for 1st column, length is 4, 2 possible values, second insert loops 4/2=2 times:
b1 y1
b1 y2
call for 2nd column, length is 2, 2 possible values, first insert loops 2/2=1 time:
b1 y1
b1 y2
b2 y1
call for 3rd column, no 3rd column, coming back
call for 2nd column, length is 2, 2 possible values, second insert loops 2/2=1 time:
b1 y1
b1 y2
b2 y1
b2 y2
call for 3rd column, no 3rd column, coming back
call for 2nd column done, coming back
call for 1st column done, coming back (returning)
Here is the code, help yourself reading the comments ;)
//results is an empty array, it is used internally to pass the processed data through recursive calls
//column and color would be the subarrays indexed by "column" and "color" from the data received by arrangeArrays()
//resultIndex is zero, it is used for recursive calls, to know where we start inserting data in results
//length is the total of results expected; in our example, we have 2 blues, 1 green, 2 yellows, and 3 reds: the total number of combinations will be 2*1*2*3, it's 12
//resourceIndex is zero, used for recursive calls, to know what column we are to insert in results
function go(results, column, color, resultIndex, length, resourceIndex) {
//this case stops the recursion, it means the current call tries to exceed the length of the resource arrays; so we just return the data without touching it
return results;
//we loop on every color mentioned in a column
for(var i=0;i
I tested the function using this bit of code (might be useful if you want to experience what happens on each step):
function parseResults(res) {
for(x in res) { //x is an index of the array (integer)
for(var y in res[x]) { //y is a column name
document.write(x+" : "+y+" = "+res[x][y]); //res[x][y] is a color
You'll probably also need a function to tell go()
what length to use for the first call. Like this one:
function getLength(color) {
var r=1;
for(var i in color)
return r;
Now, assuming you have an array column
and an array color
var arrangedArrays=arrangeArrays(column, color);
var res=go(new Array(), arrangedArrays["column"], arrangedArrays["color"], 0, getLength(arrangedArrays["color"]), 0);
Here it is, seems big but I wanted to explain well, and anyway if you remove the comments in the code and the examples, it's not that big... The whole thing is just about not going crazy with these indexes ;)
This below was the first answer, which didn't work well... which, well, didn't work.
You can use "associative arrays" (or eval
an object/property-like syntax, it's about the same). Something like that:
var arrayResult=new Array();
var resultLength=0;
for(var globalCounter=0;globalCounter
From there, I suppose it's easy to translate it to JSON format.
When you parse the subarrays, keep in mind that associative keys are actually methods, i.e. you can't loop with for(x=0;x
for(x in array)
; and you have to test the key and be sure it starts with "column" before processing it (or you'll end processing the pair "length"/0 ^^). Same on arrayResult's keys if you want this container array to have that kind of keys.
One last thing: I didn't test the code, it may miss a bit, or there may be some mistyping. The purpose is to help, not to do :)
Good luck!