I\'m new to SQL Server stored procedures, so apologies if I\'m being an idiot. I would like to use a stored procedure to return a list of objects, each of which has a property c
Actually a stored procedure delivers a relational result rather than objects. As an alternative, you could return XML using FOR XML
and deserialize it into objects. Mapping this to objects is usually done using an O/R mapper.
You can use datasets and table adapters to get the relational data into your applications. Once loaded into the dataset, you can populate your Question
and Answer
Here is a sample toy code to fill the result of a stored procedure into a data set:
var ds = new DataSet();
using (var cn = new SqlConnection())
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("myStoredProcedure", cn))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
using (var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
adapter.TableMappings.Add("Table0", "Answers");
adapter.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "Questions");
For actual development I'd suggest you to use a Typed Dataset and a proper SqlConnection
. However, as comments pointed out too, use EF or another O/R mapper if you can.