Usually, when I use linked lists, I write:
struct node *startPtr = NULL;
so I check later if is it NULL, and if it is, it means that the list is
Working with two linked lists simultaneously is kind of fussy and annoying, but it is doable:
int move_card(Stack **source, Stack **target, int source_pos, int target_pos) {
// Walk through the linked list, but in every case stop one short of the
// insertion point
// Walk through the source chain and identify which pointer needs
// to be manipulated.
for (int i = 0; i < source_pos; ++i) {
if (*source == NULL) {
return -1;
source = &((*source)->nextPtr);
// Walk through the target chain and identify the insertion point.
for (int i = 0; i < target_pos - 1; ++i) {
if (*target == NULL) {
return 1;
target = &((*target)->nextPtr);
// Capture the pointer we're actually moving
Stack* moving = *source;
// Skip this link in the chain by reassigning source
*source = moving->nextPtr;
// Capture the record that's being bumped
Stack* bumped = *target;
// Reassign the target
*target = moving;
// Re-link the bumped entry back in the chain
moving->nextPtr = bumped;
return 0;
Where I've taken the liberty of renaming a few things to make this easier to understand. Notice how it uses a double pointer so it can manipulate the original pointers if necessary. When removing the first card from a linked list, the pointer to the "head" entry must change.
Here's a more complete "demo" harness for that code:
struct stack {
char card[2];
struct stack *nextPtr;
typedef struct stack Stack;
Stack* make_stack(char face, char suit, Stack* nextPtr) {
Stack* stack = calloc(1, sizeof(Stack));
stack->card[0] = face;
stack->card[1] = suit;
stack->nextPtr = nextPtr;
return stack;
void print_stack(Stack* stack) {
while (stack) {
printf("%c%c ", stack->card[0], stack->card[1]);
stack = stack->nextPtr;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Stack* source = make_stack('A', 'S', make_stack('2', 'S', make_stack('3', 'S', NULL)));
Stack* target = NULL;
move_card(&source, &target, 2, 0);
return 0;
Where that uses a simplified Card model.