Currently i\'m creating a table dynamically, in that multiple rows get added dynamically (Similar to Excel).Table can have millions of rows.
For redo/undo functionality
To summarise, you can add state management with a Memento Factory.
All the code you need is below, but there's a little more background on my blog: AngularJS Memento Factory.
function MementoFactory(){
return function() {
var memento = this;
// Private properties
var subjects = arguments; // We can track multiple objects or arrays
var stack = []; // Each call to "save" makes a copy of every subject on the stack
var currentIndex = 0; // The "current" position on the stack stack
// Begin by saving the current state
// Public properties
memento.timestamp = null; // The timestamp for the current stack
// Public methods = save;
memento.canUndo = canUndo;
memento.undo = undo;
memento.canRedo = canRedo;
memento.redo = redo;
function save() {
var snapshot = {
timestamp:, // The save time
subjects: [], // Contains each of the subjects
for (var a = 0, al = subjects.length; a < al; a++) {
if (stack[currentIndex] && angular.equals(stack[currentIndex].subjects, snapshot.subjects)) {
return; // Do nothing if the new snapshot is the same as the current snapshot
if (canRedo()) {
stack = stack.slice(0, currentIndex + 1); // Since we can "redo" we must overwrite that timeline (consider Back To The Future: Part II)
memento.timestamp = snapshot.timestamp; // Store the time
currentIndex = stack.length - 1;
function canUndo() {
return currentIndex > 0;
function undo() {
if (canUndo()) {
function canRedo() {
return currentIndex < stack.length - 1;
function redo() {
if (canRedo()) {
function restoreSnapshot(indexDiff) {
currentIndex += indexDiff;
var snapshot = stack[currentIndex];
memento.timestamp = snapshot.timestamp; // Update the timestamp
for (var s = 0, sl = snapshot.subjects.length; s < sl; s++) {
if (snapshot.subjects[s] !== subjects[s]) {
angular.copy(snapshot.subjects[s], subjects[s]);
.factory('Memento', MementoFactory);
Create a new Memento(...) object, passing the non-primitive variables you want to track
ctrl.user = { name: 'David King', location: 'England' };
ctrl.tags = [ 'AngularJS', 'Angular', 'Firebase' ];
// Create a new Memento object
var memento = new Memento(ctrl.user, ctrl.tags);
// Expose the undo and redo methods
ctrl.canUndo = memento.canUndo;
ctrl.redo = memento.redo;
ctrl.canRedo = memento.canRedo;
ctrl.undo = memento.undo;
Add undo and redo buttons to your View
Save your Memento object, when appropriate
... and that’s it!